Understanding Promises in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

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Understanding Promises in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide | Nullplex

Promises give us the option to perform asynchronous computation easily and more simply.

before Promises callbacks were used which leads to callback Hell,

to overcome this Problem Promises were introduced. 

Example of promises

const timer = time => new Promise((resolve,reject)=> setTimeout(resolve("promise is resolved."),time));


.then((val)=> console.log("Timer executeds --- "+val))

.catch((err)=> console.log(" promise is rejected --- "+err))

.finally(()=>console.log("Promise is closed"))


Promise consists of 3 state of execution -

  1. Before the result is ready, the Promise is pending.
  2. If a result is available, the Promise is fulfilled.
  3. If an error happens, the Promise is rejected.


Note: A Promise is settled if inside function logic is executed. (if it is either fulfilled or rejected). only once the promise is settled.

Inside the promise, there are two operations to change the state. After you have invoked either one of them once.

  1. resolve - promise has been executed properly.
  2. reject - promise has been rejected.

How to consume the promises -

    .then() block handle the resolved output by promises.

    .error() block catch the error if the rejected state is sent by promise.

    .finally() block execute every time of resolve or reject of promise.


    Note - promise chaining is the concept where we can handle the resolved output by promises. in multiple. then blocks.





What if we have multiple promises -

    There are methods provided by promises to handle all at once.

  • Promise.all() -  it is static method takes an iterable of promises as input and returns a single Promise when all promises are fulfilled.

const promise1 = Promise.resolve(1);

const promise2 = Promise.resolve(2);

const promise3 = Promise.resolve(3);


    console.log("all promises values - ",values);



  • Promise.allSettled() - it is static method takes an iterable of promises as input and returns a single Promise when all promises are settled. ( either it may resolve or reject. )

const promise4 = Promise.resolve(4);

const promise5 = Promise.resolve(5);

const promise6 = Promise.reject(6);


    console.log("all promises values - ",values);



  • Promise.any() = static method takes an iterable of promises as input and returns a single Promise.

    This returned promise is fulfilled when any of the input's promises are fulfilled, with this first fulfillment value.

   note - if any one of the rejected promises comes then also it will give output.


const promise7 = Promise.reject(0);

const promise8 = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100, 'quick'));

const promise9 = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500, 'slow'));


    console.log("all promises values - ",values);



  • Promise.race() = static method takes an iterable of promises as input and returns a single Promise.

    This returned promise settles with the eventual state of the first promise that settles

    note - if any one of the rejected promises comes then also it will give error.


// const promise11 = Promise.reject(0);

const promise11 = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100, 'quick'));

const promise12 = new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500, 'slow'));


    console.log("all promises values - ",values);


basically both below used to This function flattens nested layers of promises.

Promise.resolve() - return promise resolve with value.

Promise.reject() - return the promise rejected.


Advantages of promises:

  1. Easy to Read Code and maintain.
  2. Advantage over callbacks.
  3. can handle multiple asynchronous tasks.


Disadvantages of promises:

  1. Complex Error Handling.
  2. For beginners it will create confusion.
  3. Hard Debugging error.


At the end - Promises is a Great Tool to handle Async Tasks. By using Async await we can handle Promises a lot easy way.

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